• rectangle-copy-37.png | tax2u marriage claims steps flow img
  • rectangle-copy-37.png | tax2u marriage claims steps flow img
  • rectangle-copy-37.png | tax2u marriage claims steps flow img
  • rectangle-copy-37.png | tax2u marriage claims steps flow img
  • rectangle-copy-37.png | tax2u marriage claims steps flow img
  • rectangle-copy-37.png | tax2u marriage claims steps flow img
  • rectangle-copy-37.png | tax2u marriage claims steps flow img
  • rectangle-copy-37.png | tax2u marriage claims steps flow img
checked-mark-blue | tax2u

Thank you for submitting your marriage claim.

As per money laundering act it is our responsibility to maintain client ID's and we need the following ID's to verify
  • Name proof (passport or Driving License or any national ID having photo)
  • Address proof (recent utility bill bank statement or lease agreement)
  • Selfie holding your ID

Please agree following terms

The information I have provided to tax2u is true and correct
I agree for tax2u to use my information and submit marriage claim
I have read and agree to Tax2u Ltd terms and conditions (located at terms). This contract is between Tax2u Ltd and
you only. HMRC has not seen the terms and conditions this contract and the inclusion of these terms as part of your
repayment claim should not be taken to imply that HMRC endorses or otherwise approves those term.