First of all we will need to confirm and receive from you the following:
- Confirm your 10 digits UTR (unique tax reference) number or CIS if you work in Construction Industry Scheme
- Basic Contact details ( including your most recent home address)
- And all you CIS payslips statements or invoices ( or P45/P60 if you also worked PAYE)
- Identification documents: Valid Photo ID (ie. DL or passport, provisional DL are not acceptable), Selfie with you holding that ID, and a most recent Proof of address (recent bank statement or letter from HMRC that shows visible your name and address)
You can confirm by email us back to [email protected] or you can securely upload your documents on Online Dashboard
For the current 2024-25 Tax Year we need to include in the calculation all your income from 6th Apr 2024 to 5th Apr 2025 .
We can also look through your bank statement to take your income if you confirm who the income came from. Same with the work related expense.