From you, we will need the following:
- Confirm your 10-digit UTR (Unique Tax Reference) or CIS Number if you have been paid under the Construction Industry Scheme
- Contact details (including your most recent home address)
- CIS payslips statements or invoices
- P45/P60 if you were also paid via PAYE
- Identification documents: Valid Photo ID i.e. Driving License or Passport, (provisional Driving Licenses are not accepted) a photograph of yourself holding the ID, and a most recent proof of address such as a recent bank statement (no older than 3 months) or letter from HMRC with your name and address>
You can confirm these via email to [email protected] or you can upload your documents to our secure Online Dashboard, you can sign up for a Dashboard here
For the current 2024-2025 Tax Year we need to include all of your income from starting from 6th Apr 2024 to 5th Apr 2025.
We can review your bank statements to calculate your income if you notify us who the income was paid from. This service is also available for work related expenditure.