We can draft your tax return in 48 hours once we have received all your income and expense details. We will then send you an email so you can review the documents and sign it off.
We will check if you are already on our agent account, if you are, all good.
If you are not yet on our agent account, we will make a request to HMRC to send you an Authorisation code at home in 5-10 days, that we will need so we can add you to our agent account.
Once we have received your approval, and you are on our agent account, we will submit it to HMRC. From this point it will normally it will take 2-3 weeks for HMRC to process it.
Remember – In order for our team to draft your Tax Return, they must receive and confirm with you all your income and expense related information from 6th April 2024 to 5th April 2025.