To complete your UTR / CIS application you need to sign the form we have just emailed to you from Tax2u via Docusign.
You can sign it on your phone, PC or tablet.
We can’t process your form without your signed application.
Please check your email now.
For security reasons the link only remains active for 24hrs.

Logo image

Simply read through the terms and conditions and sign the bottom of the page using your phone, PC or tablet.
I understand that:

  • I am applying for my UTR / CIS number
  • I am applying to become self employed
  • I will need to submit a tax return each year
  • I will have to submit a tax return each year on the 5th April.
  • If I don’t submit a tax return I will be fined from HMRC.
  • Fine’s could reach £1,600+ interest
  • To ensure your tax return is completed correctly it’s best to use a professional HMRC agent* like
  • I agree that Tax2u Ltd has agreed to act on my/our behalf, and the information is correct and complete

If I am due a tax rebate, I claim and unconditionally assign repayment of the amount overpaid by me for 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19 to Tax2u Ltd. I authorise HMRC to disclose individual PAYE & SA Information to Tax2u Ltd (HMRC agent code: 2075SF)

I have read and agree to Tax2u Ltd Terms and Conditions ( located at ). This contract is between Tax2u Ltd and you only. HMRC has not seen the terms and condition of this contract and the inclusion of these terms as part of your repayment claim should not be taken to imply that HMRC endorses or otherwise approves those term.

I fully understand the above terms and would like to apply for my UTR / CIS number now.

Here's some thing you need to know

  • Apply for your UTR / CIS with us is a completely FREE service.
  • Your UTR will be issued in the post, directly from HMRC
  • It will take 2-3 weeks for your UTR to arrive
  • You are now considered by HMRC to be self employed from the start date you gave in your application.
  • If you claimed for a flat rate tax on your old employment it will take HMRC 8 - 12 weeks for HMRC to process your claim
  • If you didn't reclaim you tax you can do it here
  • You will now receive a welcome email from Tax2u Ltd with:
    • Information about your responsibilities of being self employed
    • Information on how we can help manage your HMRC account and tax affairs
    • Details on how we can help you reclaim any over paid tax
    • Details of your free online account that will give you info about the process of your UTR application

We look forward to helping you manage your tax affairs and reclaim any over paid tax you have now and in the future.

For more information please see our Frequently asked questions