Tip 4

Claim for your travel and subsistence

If you work at different locations through the year, you can claim millage cost that will cover the cost of your fuel, insurance, and maintenance.

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If you work at different locations through the year, you can claim millage cost that will cover the cost of your fuel, insurance, and maintenance.

Let’s look at some very quick examples. These two examples alone will save you £1,084.60 per year.

You travel to work every day by car, bus or train. Let’s say it costs you £7 a day and you work 220 days a year (this is the average number of days people work a year). After working for a full year, you would have spent £1,540 just getting to work, if you are standard rate tax payer you’ll pay 20% income back and 9% NI. By keeping all your work travel receipts you will save £446.60 in tax.

You buy lunch and coffee during the day and spend £10 a day, you keep your receipts and you work 220. You will be able to offset £2,200 against your income and save £638 in tax.

These two items along will save you £1,084.60.

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Tip 4

Claim for your travel and subsistence

If you use your own car to go work and travel to at least 2 different locations thought the tax year ( Apr to Apr ), we advise you to keep a travel log to document the dates and the location you have travelled. This way you can claim for millage cost that is £0.45/ mile for the first 10k miles

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