tax2u flash sale

You won’t find it cheaper anywhere else

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  • Your UTR application form will be emailed to you in the next 10 min
  • Please print and post it to HMRC, following the instruction in the email.
  • Your UTR (unique tax reference number) will be issued in the post, directly from HMRC
  • You need a UTR to work as self-employed under HMRC rules.
  • It may take min 2-3 weeks or up to 6-8 weeks for your UTR to arrive
  • Once your UTR is issued you will officially be self employed
  • You will need to submit a tax return each year and keep
    • All your income details
    • All your business expenses
  • If we manage your HMRC account and tax affairs you can reduce your tax
  • If you are paying CIS tax or income tax we can help you reclaim your tax each year.
  • We get on average, £2,514 back for our clients each year.
  • If you don’t submit a tax return, you’ll get fined from HMRC and they’ll keep fining you until your tax return is completed.

Let Tax2u Ltd manage your
HMRC account and all your tax
related affairs for you

For the next 48hrs we’ve got an amazing

Get our Gold Yearly Accounting Service for only £12 a month + vat, it’s normally £20 a month and most accountants charge £25 a month +, that’s over a 50% saving.

tax2u gold

Click here to sign up to our Gold Yearly Accounting Service today and be allocated your own personal account manager you can contact anytime.
We’ll do your tax return each year and give you tips on how to reduce your tax return or increase your tax rebate each year.

£ 20 p/m

£ 12 p/m