As per HMRC regulations, the company is required to maintain a record of your identification documents. Kindly upload them at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for choosing Tax2u to handle your VAT return! We’re thrilled to assist you in managing your VAT filings with ease and accuracy. Our dedicated team ensures compliance with HMRC regulations while providing a seamless and efficient process. Rest assured, your VAT return is in safe hands with Tax2u!
Please agree following terms
The information I have provided to tax2u is true and correct
I agree for tax2u to use my information and file my VAT returns
I have read and agree to Tax2u Ltd terms and conditions (located at terms). This contract is between Tax2u Ltd and
you only. HMRC has not seen the terms and conditions this contract and the inclusion of these terms as part of your
repayment claim should not be taken to imply that HMRC endorses or otherwise approves those term.
Please read and agree to All the terms